Friday, March 03, 2006

Concrete, begone!

On my way home from work tonight, I stopped by Barr Lumber to rent something to break up concrete. I ended up buying a three to four pound sledge hammer. I didn't think the concrete would be much more than two inches thick.

Well, I was a little off, but the small sledge hammer did a reasonable job of breaking up most of the concrete. I have about one foot square to finish. It's a good four inches thick in that spot, but I should be able to chip away at it.

There appears to be a brick lining along the wall, so I probably won't be able to dig right up to the wall/footer. I'll see what it looks like tomorrow in the daylight.

I don't think the concrete served a useful purpose along the corner wall, but, if so, it was shoddily done and should be redone properly. I'm betting not, though. The man at the hardware/lumber store told me that often construction workers will dump out left over concrete and let it dry because it's easier to break it up then and haul it away. Sometimes they don't haul it away, though.

[Edit 3/4/06: Pictures added of last night's work. The pile grows!]

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